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26 Oct 2021 | 08:33 AM UTC

China: Authorities to lockdown Lanzhou, Gansu Province, from Oct. 26 due to COVID-19 activity /update 1

Officials to lockdown Lanzhou, China, from Oct. 26 over COVID-19 activity. Restrictions ongoing in other areas of Gansu Province.



Authorities will lockdown Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, from Oct. 26 to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the city. The government requires all residents to remain at home; travel is only possible for emergencies or to purchase essential goods. Officials will limit entry and exit from residential communities to one gate, and residents must undergo temperature and health code checks to enter communities. Officials previously closed entertainment and cultural venues in the capital, and widespread business disruptions are likely during the lockdown, though essential services will remain available.

As of Oct. 26, officials continue to designate Yunxiang, Tianqing Lishe, and East Lake communities in Lanzhou's Chengguan District and the Jinxiu Jiyuan and Longwangmiao communities in Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, as medium risk areas. Residents of and individuals with recent exposure to these areas must remain in their homes, except for medical emergencies. The government is implementing tight controls in nearby areas and will probably close most nonessential businesses and restrict travel to and from adjacent communities. Chinese officials typically implement controls for two weeks from the last reported case of community transmission. Authorities will likely carry out several rounds of testing in medium-risk areas before easing restrictions. Officials could place additional communities under localized movement controls if more COVID-19 cases emerge.

The Gansu government has closed all tourist sites in the province. Authorities in Lanzhou and Zhangye have also halted taxi and bus services. In Zhangye, officials have restricted traffic to emergency and medical vehicles only. Authorities in Lanzhou have advised residents against leaving the city and require residents to present evidence of a negative COVID-19 test taken 24 hours or less before departure. Airlines have reduced flights at Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport (LHW), and significant flight disruptions are likely to continue in the coming days. Rail disruptions are also likely due to decreased demand.

Most provincial and municipal governments require individuals who have recently traveled to affected areas of Gansu to undergo testing or a mandatory institutional quarantine period; some local governments may ban travelers with a recent travel history to affected cities.


Strictly heed the instructions of authorities. Avoid all nonessential operations in areas impacted by travel controls. Confirm appointments. Remain cooperative if approached and questioned by law enforcement officers.