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17 Dec 2021 | 05:55 PM UTC

Iceland: Authorities maintaining COVID-19 entry and domestic restrictions as of Dec. 17 /update 26

COVID-19-related restrictions in Iceland remain mostly unchanged as of Dec. 17 by comparison with those in force during late November.



COVID-19-related restrictions in effect in Iceland remain mostly unchanged as of Dec. 17 by comparison with the directives that were in force during late November.

Domestic Measures
Most businesses and services are operating subject to social distancing requirements, capacity limits, and restricted operating hours. Private gatherings are limited to 50 people. Public events can host up to 500 people, providing attendees can provide evidence of a negative PCR test result from the previous 48 hours or proof of recovery from COVID-19 in the previous 180 days; results from self-administered tests are not accepted. Facemasks are mandatory in enclosed public spaces and wherever social distancing of 1 meter (3 feet) cannot be maintained.

International Travel Restrictions
Entry is permitted from EEA/EFTA countries in addition to Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao, Moldova, Montenegro, Namibia, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, UAE, US, and Uruguay. Travel is also permitted for vaccinated or recovered individuals from any country. Other travel is restricted to limited categories of essential purposes only.

Non-resident foreign nationals must present a certificate of vaccination or recovery in addition to a negative result from a negative PCR or antigen test taken 72 hours prior to departure. Permitted non-resident foreign nationals without a certificate of vaccination or recovery must possess evidence of a negative PCR test taken 72 hours prior to departure, isolate for five days on arrival, and submit to a further PCR test at the end of the isolation period.

Returning citizens and residents who are fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 must take a test within 48 hours of arriving. Returning citizens and residents not meeting that requirement must submit to a PCR test at the border, isolate for five days, and take a PCR test at the end of the isolation period.

All travelers must pre-register before arrival in Iceland; the registration form is available by clicking here. Icelandic authorities have created an online questionnaire that provides entry requirements for individual travel itineraries and circumstances, available by clicking here.

More stringent entry requirements apply to locations deemed to be high risk. Any permitted arrivals who have been in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, or Zimbabwe for more than 24 hours in the previous 14 days must take a PCR test regardless of vaccination status and self-isolate for five days; self-isolation can then end on receipt of a further negative test result.

Authorities could reimpose, extend, further ease, or otherwise amend any restrictions with little-to-no notice depending on disease activity over the coming weeks.


Follow all official instructions. Carry proper identification documents to present at security checks. Consider delaying travel if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions.


Iceland COVID-19 Website
List of Travelers Allowed Entry
ECDC COVID-19 Risk Map
Schengen Area countries