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01 Jul 2022 | 09:50 PM UTC

Argentina: Activists to stage commemorative march in central Buenos Aires July 2

Activists to stage memorial march in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the afternoon of July 2; heightened security, localized disruptions likely.



Activists affiliated with the Association of Relatives and Friends of Victims of Terrorism (Asociacion de Familiares y Amigos de las Victimas del Terrorismo), the Commission to Honor Police and Citizens Killed by Violence (Comision de Homenaje a Policias y Ciudadanos Muertos por la Violencia), and the Association of Lawyers for Justice and Harmony (Asociacion de Abogados por la Justicia y la Concordia) will stage a commemorative march in central Buenos Aires during the afternoon of July 2. The purpose of the demonstration, which will begin at 12:00, is to memorialize the victims of the 1976 bombing attack on the Argentine Federal Police in Buenos Aires that killed 23 people. Participants will gather at the intersection of Avenida Entre Rios and Avenida San Juan before marching to Calle Moreno 1417, the location of the Argentine Federal Police building.

The march will likely pass peacefully. There will probably be an increased security presence in the area as a precaution and to facilitate the march. Localized transport and business disruptions are likely.


Avoid the demonstration. Allow extra time to reach destinations in central Buenos Aires July 2 until the march has ended and participants have vacated the area. Heed the instructions of local authorities.