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04 Aug 2022 | 01:53 PM UTC

Europe: Monkeypox cases identified in more European countries in August; most cases are in Germany, Spain, and the UK /update 6

Monkeypox cases identified in new areas of Europe in August; Germany, Spain, and UK remain most affected. Use basic health precautions.



Public health officials continue to report monkeypox cases in European countries during August; an additional 8,660 cases were reported July 7-Aug. 2; bringing the total case count to 14,878 confirmed as of May 31. Recent reports of monkeypox cases in children are confirmed.

Most cases in this outbreak have occurred in Spain (4,300 cases), Germany (2,677 cases), and the UK (2,469 cases), according to data through Aug. 2. Detailed location information is available. Disease surveillance and contact tracing continue; additional affected countries may be identified in the coming weeks. This represents the most updated information as of Aug. 4.


Many of the cases in this outbreak report attending one or more recent mass gatherings in Antwerp, Madrid, and Gran Canaria, Spain; mass gatherings always present an elevated risk of infectious disease. Human-to-human transmission occurs among people in close physical contact, with the increase in recent cases linked to sexual contact, suggesting that the virus linked to the disease can be sexually transmitted. The current outbreak highlights the importance of vigilant safe sexual practices and suggests monkeypox can be transmitted while the infected person displays few or no symptoms; however, the risk is currently assessed as low for individuals not routinely engaging with multiple or anonymous sexual partners.

Monkeypox does not naturally occur in Europe; most cases are reported in West and Central Africa, primarily in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and Cameroon, among individuals who report contact with wild rodents or other mammals that may harbor the disease.

Monkeypox is caused by a virus belonging to the same family as the one that causes smallpox. However, monkeypox is not the same as smallpox, and it does not have the same capacity for rapid human-to-human transmission. Monkeypox is mainly transmitted to humans through direct contact with the bodily fluids of infected rodents or primates. Human-to-human transmission primarily occurs through close personal contact with an infected individual via respiratory droplets, direct contact with bodily fluids, or indirect contact with lesion material - e.g., contaminated clothing or bedding. Symptoms typically appear 6-16 days after exposure but can develop up to 21 days after exposure. Symptoms generally include fever, headache, muscle and back aches, swollen lymph nodes, chills, exhaustion, and a distinctive rash characterized by lesions that progress through several stages before falling off.


Practice basic health precautions, including frequent handwashing with soap and water, covering the nose and mouth when coughing, and avoiding obviously ill individuals. Avoid overcrowded areas such as nightclubs and consider using safe sexual practices such as physical barriers (condoms) in countries reporting monkeypox transmission. Seek medical attention if symptoms develop within two weeks of being in affected areas, especially if you have had one or more new sexual partners.


US CDC: Monkeypox factsheet