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12 Sep 2022 | 04:43 AM UTC

Cook Islands: Officials lift COVID-19 vaccination requirement for international travelers as of Sept. 12 /update 17

Cook Islands lifts COVID-19 vaccination mandate for international travelers as of Sept. 12. Domestic measures ongoing.



The Cook Islands has lifted its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for inbound foreign nationals, ending most pandemic-related travel restrictions. The government also lifted heightened measures on Manihiki and Rakahanga Sept. 12

Domestic Measures
A facemask requirement remains for medical facilities. Locally acquired COVID-19 cases and close contacts must self-quarantine, though the time frame can vary. Affected people will also likely have to undergo COVID-19 testing before leaving quarantine. Employers can apply for an Essential Worker Pass for essential employees considered close contacts of COVID-19 cases. The pass allows affected employees to travel between work and home, provided they receive a daily negative rapid antigen test (RAT) result. People who have recovered from COVID-19 can obtain a Green Freedom Pass, which allows the holder to forgo testing requirements and quarantine rules.

Authorities have halted travel from Rarotonga to Palmerston through Sept. 30, though cargo shipments and passenger transport from Palmerston continue. Officials no longer require a RAT for trips to most outlying islands; however, officials could reinstitute the measure at short notice depending on COVID-19 activity. Some local island governments may continue to require a quarantine period for arrivals.

International Travel Restrictions
All arrivals must complete an online travel declaration 96 hours before departure. International vessels can only enter the country via Avatiu Port.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions.


Cook Islands COVID-19 Response
Cook Islands Travel Declaration