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17 Sep 2022 | 11:00 PM UTC

Hungary: Hundreds of activists to demonstrate in central Budapest Sept. 18

Activists to demonstrate in central Budapest, Hungary, 13:00-15:30 Sept. 18; increased security, localized disruptions likely.



Hundreds of activists plan to demonstrate in central Budapest from 13:00-15:30, Sept. 18. The demonstration has been organized to raise awareness about European Mobility Week. The European Mobility Week was established in 2002 by the European Commission and aimed to promote sustainable urban mobility. The demonstration will begin at Kethly Anna Square and end at Szabadság tér (Freedom Square).

Additional police will deploy to monitor and facilitate the action. Large crowds and associated security measures, including possible road closures and movement restrictions, will prompt localized business and transport disruptions. The demonstration is likely to pass peacefully, though isolated clashes between activists and security services cannot be ruled out.


Avoid the demonstration if possible as a routine security precaution and to mitigate associated disruptions. Heed instructions from security services and leave the area at the first sign of a confrontation. Check local traffic conditions and public transport schedules for disruptions before beginning journeys and allow extra time for travel.