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30 Nov 2022 | 12:49 PM UTC

DRC: Religious leader calls for protests across South Kivu Province, Dec. 1

Religious leader calls for protests across South Kivu Province, DRC, Dec. 1. Avoid all demonstrations.



South Kivu's catholic leader has called for peaceful marches across South Kivu Province, including Bukavu, Dec. 1. Participants intend to denounce the alleged Rwandan backing of M23 rebels. Participants will rally after the morning mass and march through the cities' Province Governorates. In Bukavu, participants will also head toward the MONUSCO headquarter. Protests are likely in Uvira.

A heightened security presence is likely near protest locations, Dec. 1. Clashes are possible if protesters ignore police orders to disperse. Localized ground travel disruptions are likely near all protest locations. Demonstrators could gather at border crossing points with Rwanda, potentially leading to disruptions.


Since November 2021, the M23 rebel group has increased attacks targeting armed forces in the eastern DRC, while tensions have increased between Rwanda and the DRC. In June, the M23 captured the town of Bunagana, Rutshuru Territory; as of the end of November, M23 rebels remain in control of the town. Rebels also took control of several localities along the strategic road connecting Butembo and Goma. The latest fighting between the M23 rebel group and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) took place near Kibumba and Rugari, located about 20 km (13 miles) north of Goma. Several protests have been held in recent months in the Kivu provinces and Kinshasa to denounce the security situation.

The M23 is seeking to pressure the government to honor a peace agreement signed in 2013, allowing the reintegration of the armed forces into society, among other issues. In April, the group allowed for a truce with the government; however, it did not attend peace talks launched in Kenya between the government and armed groups.


Avoid all protests. Plan for disruptions across South Kivu Dec. 1. Consult local security partners on the viability of traveling in affected areas. Travel in convoy and during daylight hours only. Maintain contact with diplomatic missions. Adhere to directives issued by local authorities. If clashes occur, depart the area immediately.