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15 Nov 2022 | 03:34 PM UTC

Sudan: Authorities declare 30-day state of emergency in Central Darfur Nov. 13

Sudanese officials declare 30-day state of emergency in Central Darfur Nov. 13 following tribal clashes. Adhere to all directives.



Sudanese authorities declared a 30-day state of emergency (SoE) in Central Darfur Nov. 13. The SoE is in response to recent violence between the Misseriya and Awlad Rashid tribes in the Wadi Saleh and Bindisi areas; 24 people were killed. Under the SoE, security forces have increased powers, including dispersing illegal gatherings, removing camps, and seizing any weapons or ammunition. Additional security personnel have been deployed to quell violence.

Further clashes and related violence could occur. Officials could enact additional security measures, including security force deployments, curfews, and checkpoints. Business and road travel disruptions are likely near any further incidents of violence or due to security force responses.


Although levels of violence have decreased since the signing of a peace agreement roadmap in early 2016, tensions remain high in Darfur, and the region continues to present a range of significant security challenges. The ceasefire has reduced the level of violence in the region since 2016, but disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration successes have been limited, and multiple armed groups continue to operate in the region. Persistent violence and instability coupled with the widespread availability of firearms have also created an environment conducive to armed banditry, while persistent communal tensions have often resulted in unrest and clashes between rival armed groups.


Consider deferring nonessential travel to the impacted area until the situation stabilizes. Adhere to the directives of the authorities. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Avoid public gatherings and concentrations of security personnel. Avoid travel at night and recent violence-impacted locations. Travel in convoy.