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19 Dec 2022 | 10:24 AM UTC

Iran: Four Iranian security forces killed in clashes with suspected militants in Saravan Dec. 19

Heightened security likely following killing of four Iranian security forces in clashes in Saravan, Iran, Dec. 19.



Heightened security is likely in Saravan, Sistan va Baluchestan Province, over the coming hours after four Iranian security forces were killed in clashes with suspected militants Dec. 19. Security officials claim the suspected militants fled into Pakistan. It was not immediately clear if the assault, which state media classified as a terrorist attack, was related to the ongoing protest activity in Sistan va Baluchestan Province and elsewhere in the country. Anti-government protesters gathered in the province's capital Zahedan in October and clashed with police; unconfirmed reports also assert that security forces opened fire on protesters and closed the border with Pakistan in response.

Heightened security is likely along the Iranian-Pakistani border over the coming days. Further protests and clashes are possible and may lead to transport and business disruptions in affected areas.


If operating in Saravan, avoid the scene of the incident until authorities give the all-clear and prepare for protest-related disruptions to transport and business. Exercise situational awareness if operating near the Iranian-Pakistani border. Avoid all large gatherings and areas where security forces have deployed. Plan for ground transport disruptions and allow extra time to reach destinations in major cities, especially near likely protest locations such as public squares and government buildings.