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24 Feb 2023 | 05:53 PM UTC

Sudan: Authorities extend state of emergency in South Kordofan State until at least late May /update 1

Authorities in Sudan extend state of emergency across South Kordofan until at least late May due to security reasons.



Authorities in Sudan have extended the state of emergency (SoE) across South Kordofan through at least late May to bolster security in the state.

The SoE initially went into force in late January after gunmen killed four people and wounded four others in Kadugli. While officials did not immediately specify all of the security measures that would be introduced under the state of emergency, they have reportedly established emergency courts and directed local authorities to seize weapons from citizens. Authorities may impose additional security measures on short notice, including security force deployments, curfews, and checkpoints.

Despite the imposition of the state of emergency, further violence cannot be ruled out in South Kordofan over the coming weeks. Transport and business disruptions are possible in areas subject to violence or heightened security measures.


Creeping desertification brought on by climate change continues to drive intense competition in the region for access to scarce resources, such as grazing areas and drinking water. Given the easy availability of small arms, even small, localized incidents regularly escalate into clashes. Such violence, in turn, can fuel rounds of reprisal attacks between various communities, sometimes resulting in high numbers of casualties.


Consider deferring nonessential travel to South Kordofan until the situation stabilizes. If operating in the state, avoid public gatherings and concentrations of security personnel. Travel in convoy and refrain from traveling at night and to locations recently impacted by violence. Adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation.