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26 Jul 2023 | 12:14 AM UTC

DRC: Civil society activists announce stay-at-home protest in Butembo July 26

Civil society activists to observe commemorative stay-at-home protest in Butembo, North Kivu, DRC, July 26. Demonstrations possible.



Activists associated with the Urban Coordination of the Civil Society Forces Vives of Butembo plan to stage a stay-at-home protest on July 26. The purpose of the action is to commemorate the first anniversary of the anti-United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MINUSCO) demonstration, which claimed at least 12 civilian lives on July 26, 2022. Local government officials banned all public gatherings out of an abundance of caution. Similarly, protest organizers prohibited any mass mobilization on public roadways. Hospitals and pharmacies are reportedly open during the commemorative stay-at-home demonstration.

Authorities will certainly maintain a heightened security presence during the stay-at-home observation. Business disruptions are likely in Butembo if large amounts of people participate in the stay-at-home protest. Localized transport disruptions and clashes are possible if activists gather in the town and ignore police orders to disperse.


Avoid all related demonstrations that may materialize. Heed instructions from local authorities. If violence breaks out, leave the area immediately, and take shelter in a secure, non-governmental building. Reconfirm all public transportation services and business appointments.