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17 Nov 2023 | 08:32 AM UTC

Myanmar: Armed clashes in northern and western regions causing significant disruptions as of Nov. 17 /update 1

Armed clashes disrupting air and ground transport in northern and western Myanmar, as of Nov. 17. Border closures, curfews reported.


Significant ground, air transport, and land border transit disruptions continue as armed clashes in northern Myanmar escalate as of Nov. 17. The disruptions started after the military commenced ground and air operations in response to coordinated attacks by a coalition of anti-regime militant groups Oct. 27. The attacks primarily targeted military installations, military-controlled villages, security checkpoints, and major interstate highways in areas such as Hsenwi, Kunlong, Kutkai, and Lashio, and multiple locations in Laukkaing and Muse townships. Lashio Airport (LSH) remains closed indefinitely; it is unclear when normal operations will resume. Loikaw Airport (LIW) is closed through at least the end of November. Militants have also reportedly occupied and closed five official border crossings with China, with curfews active in Sittwe, Rakhine State, and multiple areas of northern Shan State. The conflict has displaced over 60,000 people, with further clashes likely across northern Shan, Kayin, Kayah, Mon, Chin, and Rakhine states, and upper Sagaing and Magway regions, including near border checkpoints with China, Thailand, India, and Bangladesh over the coming weeks.

Although the most intense fighting is concentrated in northern Shan State, related attacks by anti-junta groups have also occurred in the following areas:

  • Sagaing Region: Kawlin, Tamu, Pinlebu, Tigyaing townships

  • Magway Region: Gangaw Township

  • Kayin State: Kawkareik Township

  • Kayah State: Mese, Demoso, Hpruso townships

  • Mon State: Kyaikmaraw Township

  • Chin State: Falam and Paletwa townships

  • Rakhine State: Rathedaung, Buthidaung, Maungdaw, and Minbya townships

Other areas are also likely to see an intensification of similar attacks, likely prompting additional security deployment. The tightest security is most likely at border and entry points to major cities like Mandalay. Further airstrikes in strongholds of armed groups are possible, posing a risk of collateral damage to civilian life and property. Multiple countries continue to advise against all or nonessential travel to Myanmar or affected regions like the northern areas of Mandalay Region and Shan State.

Authorities are imposing martial law in the Konekyan, Kunlong, Kutkai, Lashio, Laukkaing, Muse, Namkham, and Hseni townships in northern Shan State, and Loikaw Township in Kayah State until further notice; such movement restrictions and nonessential business closures are likely in other regions if clashes continue. Banks in Lashio are reportedly operating at reduced operating hours after a Nov. 6 explosion targeting a private bank; similar attacks may further limit cash availability.

Ground transport disruptions are occurring between:

  • Townships within Shan and Mon States

  • Lashio and Mandalay

  • Yangon and Sittwe

  • Chin State and Sagaing Region

  • Chin State and Magwe Region

Ground transport and shipping disruptions are affecting trade with China, Bangladesh, and India. Border gates to China in Mongla, eastern Shan State, reportedly remain open. Cargo flights between Yangon International Airport (YIA) and Kunming in China are available. Additional ground transport and shipping disruptions, including at the Thai border, are likely at short notice. Mandalay (MDL) and Naypyidaw (NYT) international airports could also experience delays due to increased traffic from military aircraft; flight suspensions are probable if fighting escalates. Utility and telecommunication outages are affecting conflict-hit areas of northern Shan State and Sagaing Region; security restrictions and infrastructure damage may cause similar disruptions in other impacted areas at short notice.

Reconsider travel to affected areas. Heed all official security instructions. Register and maintain contact with your diplomatic mission. Reconfirm the status of border crossings and land routes near the Chinese, Bangladeshi, and Indian borders before travel. Consider alternative shipping methods for time-sensitive freight. Monitor local developments closely. Carry proper identification documents to present at security checks and heed all instructions from security personnel; remain cooperative if stopped for inspections. If a demonstration or fighting occurs nearby, immediately leave the area, seek shelter at a safe, nongovernment building, and stay away from windows.

The recent offensive in northern Shan State, named "Operation 1027", was launched Oct. 27 by the Three Brotherhood Alliance, comprising the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA). Although various armed groups actively operate in the area, the latest clashes have seen a notably high level of coordination; the National Unity Government has also declared its support for the offensive. Other allied resistance groups include the Kachin Independence Armu (KIA), Bamar People's Liberation Army and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF).