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12 Jan 2024 | 11:40 AM UTC

Argentina: Activists plan to gather in downtown Buenos Aires Jan. 15

Activists plan to gather outside Kirchner Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 11:00 on Jan. 15. Localized disruptions likely.


Activists affiliated with the Association of Government Workers (Asociacion de Trabajadores del Estado, ATE) plan to demonstrate outside the Kirchner Cultural Center (Centro Cultural Kirchner), on Sarmiento Street 151, in downtown Buenos Aires from 11:00 on Jan. 15. The purpose of the gathering is to oppose public sector layoffs and make other labor-related demands.

Heightened security in the area and associated transport and transport disruptions are likely. Protesters may also gather in other cities; likely locations for protests include main thoroughfares, plazas, and government buildings. Clashes between protesters and police cannot be ruled out.

Avoid all protests as a precaution. Allow additional time to reach your destination if operating in downtown Buenos Aires Jan. 15.