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28 Jan 2024 | 12:42 AM UTC

Hungary: Unionized bus drivers plan to strike nationwide Jan. 28-29

Unionized bus drivers plan to strike throughout Hungary Jan. 28-29. Transport disruptions likely. Protests possible.


Bus drivers affiliated with the Solidarity Bus Transport Union (Szolidaritas Autobusz-kozlekedesi Szakszervezet, SZAKSZ) plan to stage a 48-hour nationwide strike Jan. 28-29 for better working conditions. Volanbusz, one of the country's largest transportation companies, announced it would need to cancel transport on all intercity and most local bus routes during the labor action.

Increased demand and congestion on alternative transport are likely. While organizers have not announced specific plans for gatherings, participating bus drivers could hold demonstrations during the action. Related protests could occur near bus depots, public squares, and major roadways. Authorities will likely monitor any gatherings that materialize.

Reconfirm all travel plans. If scheduled to travel by bus during the strike, seek alternative means of transport and make advanced bookings. Allow additional traveling time throughout the country. Avoid any protests that may materialize as a standard security precaution.