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30 Jan 2024 | 10:39 PM UTC

Mexico: Protests scheduled in Mexico City and Puebla Jan. 31 to demand a reduction in the workweek

Unionized activists to march in Mexico City and Puebla, Mexico, 16:00 Jan. 31 to demand reduced workweek and other benefits.


Activists affiliated with the National Workers Union (Union Nacional de Trabajadores, UNT) and other organizations plan to march in Mexico City and Puebla on Jan. 31 to demand workweek hours be reduced from 48 to 40, as well as other work-related benefits.

In Mexico City, activists plan to gather the Angel de la Independencia and march to the city's Zocalo, starting at 16:00. In Puebla, the protest is also scheduled to begin at 16:00, and it will go from El Gallito del Paseo Bravo to the Zocalo in the city's downtown. Protests in other cities in Mexico are possible.

Thousands may participate in the protests, especially in Mexico City, likely prompting transport and business disruptions and heightened security along the protests' routes.

Avoid all protests as a precaution. Allow additional time to reach your destination if operating near the impacted areas of Mexico City or Puebla Jan. 31.