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27 Feb 2024 | 08:56 PM UTC

DRC: Gas stations resume operations in Beni, North Kivu Province, after local fuel tanker truckers end strike Feb. 27 /update 1

Fuel tanker truckers end strike in Beni, North Kivu Province, DRC, Feb. 27; local gas stations reportedly resume operations.


Fuel tanker truckers reportedly ended their strike in Beni, North Kivu Province, on Feb. 27 after reaching a compromise with local authorities. The purpose of the work stoppage, which began Feb. 26, was to denounce the Beni High Court's recent issuance of warrants against some fuel-sector workers for alleged price fixing and noncompliance with import and distribution regulations. The warrants remain in effect despite the ending of the strike; fuel-sector workers will meet with local authorities to discuss the alleged violations over the coming days.

Gas stations have resumed operations in the city following the end of the work stoppage. Additionally, the preexisting fuel pricing structure remains in place. However, elevated public transport fares continued to be reported in Beni following the end of the labor action.

Residual fuel shortages may impact some gas stations in Beni over the short term. Long lines may form at gas stations that have resumed operations. Additional strikes and renewed fuel shortages cannot be ruled out.

Prepare for possible residual fuel shortages and long lines at gas stations that have resumed operations. Continue to confirm transport reservations and deliveries over the coming days. Monitor local media for updates. Adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities.