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04 Jun 2024 | 03:27 AM UTC

Fiji: Protests possible nationwide as of June 4, after 17 FijiFirst Members of Parliament were suspended

Demonstrations, disruptions possible across Fiji as of June 4 after suspension of several Members of Parliament.


As of June 4, protests are possible nationwide after the opposition FijiFirst party terminated 17 of its Members of Parliament (MPs). The suspension comes after the MPs failed to follow the party line and voted for increased salaries and allowances for MPs. Potential gathering sites include government and court buildings or local political party offices, especially in Suva.

Any demonstrations that materialize may be accompanied by a heightened security presence and localized transport disruptions. Isolated scuffles are possible between security forces and demonstrators and/or rival political groups.

Exercise caution around government and court buildings, political party offices, and other likely protest sites. Monitor local media or check with trusted local sources for updates on possible demonstrations and associated disruptions, as events could take place with little to no warning. Avoid any protests that may materialize due to the potential for clashes.