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24 Jun 2024 | 10:01 AM UTC

Guatemala: Retired military veterans plan to protest nationwide June 26

Retired military veterans plan to protest, block main thoroughfares across Guatemala on June 26. Disruptions likely.


Retired military veterans affiliated with several groups, including the Association of Military Veterans (La Asociacion de Veteranos Militares), plan to stage protests and roadblocks across Guatemala on June 26. Participants plan to gather outside the Finance Ministry building in Guatemala City and block highways and areas around airports and ports to make pension-related demands. The times for gatherings have not been confirmed.

Protesters plan to set up roadblocks in the surrounding areas of Mundo Maya International Airport (FRS), which serves the city of Flores; other airports may also be affected. Roadblocks are also planned along the Pan-American Highway (CA-1) near Quetzaltenango and Totonicapan and along the CA-13 Highway, among other major intercity roads and bridges nationwide.

Protesters are likely to gather in multiple locations, which could disrupt port and airport operations. Transport disruptions are likely on affected routes nationwide. Heightened security measures and clashes are possible near roadblocks and demonstration sites.

Avoid all protests and related events as a precaution. Do not attempt to cross a roadblock; utilize alternative routes or wait for the police to reopen affected roads. Confirm business appointments in advance. Allow additional time to reach your destination if operating in Guatemala June 26. Reconfirm the status of flights before departure. Plan for disruptions in traveling to and from airports.