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24 Jun 2024 | 02:17 PM UTC

Italy: Unionized workers plan to conduct strikes July 2-5, protests July 1-7 at ports nationwide

Unionized port workers plan to strike July 2-5, protest July 1-7 across Italy. Port service, shipping disruptions likely.


Unionized port workers plan to strike across Italy July 2-5. Union leaders have called for industrial action over working contract negotiations for their members, including increased salaries. The Uiltrasporti labor union will strike July 2-3, and the FILT CGIL and FIT CISL unions will strike July 4-5. These separate periods of industrial action will likely have a cumulative impact on port operations.

The Uiltrasporti labor union has also called for demonstrations July 1-7; workers may form pickets at port entrances and regional administratice offices. It is not known how many might participate on the non-striking days. Authorities will likely deploy additional security measures to mitigate any disruptions.

Port service and maritime shipping disruptions are likely on affected days and may linger through July 6. Picket demonstrations are possible at ports nationwide; heightened security and localized transport disruptions are likely at any protests that take shape. Confrontations between demonstrators and law enforcement officers cannot be ruled out at demonstrations.

Reconfirm maritime shipments and travel scheduled for the affected period. Allow additional time for all maritime services, including shipments and travel, on the affected days. Consider rescheduling sensitive maritime services to avoid the affected days. Avoid all demonstrations as a standard precaution. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.