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07 Jun 2024 | 12:02 AM UTC

Mexico: Teachers and federal government reach initial deal as of June 6 /update 4

Unionized teachers reach preliminary deal with Mexican government as of June 6.


Unionized teachers affiliated with the National Education Workers' Coordinating Organization (Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Education, CNTE) have reached an initial deal with the federal government as of June 6 that has attempted to address many of their demands. As a result, the activists will disband a sit-in strike they had maintained outside the National Palace since May 15. However, they will march from the Angel de la Independencia to the Zocalo starting at 11:00 on June 7. Additionally, organizers have indicated that they will meet with the general assembly of their organization on June 7 to decide whether to suspend the national strike and pursue an alternate plan of action.

Officials will likely deploy security personnel to monitor and manage the June 7 march and any additional protests nationwide. Road closures and transport disruptions are possible. Clashes between demonstrators and security forces are possible, especially if the former engage in acts of public violence or ignore police orders to disperse.

As a standard precaution, avoid the march. Plan accordingly for road travel delays in all areas affected by the action. Heed the instructions of local authorities. Leave the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Do not attempt to cross protester-erected roadblocks; instead, wait for police to dismantle them before proceeding.