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20 Jun 2024 | 01:22 PM UTC

Somalia: Disruptive protest near Hargeisa International Airport in Hargeisa June 20

Police forces forcibly disperse protesters near Hargeisa International Airport in Hargeisa, Somalia, June 20.


Police forces forcibly dispersed a protest near Hargeisa International Airport (HGA) in Hargeisa on June 20. Protesters gathered along roads to and from HGA following the arrest of an opposition party member upon his arrival at the airport. Security forces reportedly used live ammunition to disperse the crowd. There are no reports of casualties or disruptions to airport operations.

An increased security presence is likely near HGA over the coming hours. Further clashes and disruptions to airport operations are possible.

Avoid the vicinity of HGA in the coming hours. Allow extra time to reach the airport. If crowds form or violence occurs nearby, leave the area immediately. Do attempt to cross a roadblock. Abide by all official directives.