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16 Jun 2024 | 10:18 AM UTC

Thailand: Protest likely to occur in Bangkok on June 18

Protests likely to occur in Bangkok, Thailand, June 18 over trial of former Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. Increased security likely.


Protest groups, including the Thailand Reform Students Network and the Thai People Protecting the Monarchy, will likely protest over the trial of former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra that will occur on June 18. This is to raise awareness of Shinawatra's allegedly being critical of the monarchy and making offensive remarks. These groups previously protested on June 11 over the proposed bail of Shinawatra, which the protestors saw as an acknowledgment from the courts of Shinawatra's alleged innocence. As of June 16, no information has been made available on the location and timing of any demonstration. Potential gathering sites include government buildings, such as the courts of justice, public spaces, sports venues, and thoroughfares. The largest demonstrations will likely have hundreds of participants.

Authorities will likely bolster security around the protest sites. Localized transport disruptions are likely, especially if activists occupy nearby roads. Isolated scuffles between demonstrators and security personnel may occur, especially if participants attempt to bypass security barriers or defy orders to disperse. Mass arrests can occur if protesters become overly disruptive or security forces determine that demonstrators violate any public gathering permit requirements. Associated business disruptions are possible.

Avoid protest sites as a precaution. If violence occurs nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a safe nongovernmental building. Plan for localized transport disruptions. Heed all official security and transport advisories