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26 Jul 2024 | 10:56 AM UTC

Bahrain: Activists plan protests in several predominantly Shi'a areas July 26

Activists plan to protest in several Shi'a areas in Bahrain the evening of July 26. Avoid demonstrations.


Anti-government opposition groups have called for protests in several predominantly Shi'a areas of Bahrain the evening of July 26. The action is to protest the alleged mistreatment of Shi'a political prisoners in Jaw Prison. Activists plan to gather between 19:30-20:40 in several locations, including but not limited to A'ali, Al-Malikiyah, Al-Markh, Al-Qadam, Bilad al-Qadeem, Daih, Diraz, Karbabad, Karzakkan, Ma'ameer, and Shahrakan. Additional unannounced protests may materialize at other locations over the coming days, particularly within predominantly Shi'a areas across the country.

A heightened security presence is likely to be present predominantly in Shi'a locations. Security forces will respond swiftly and aggressively to any perceived threat. Demonstrators frequently burn tires, block roads, and clash with security forces. Authorities will likely increase security in and around the summit venue and its surrounding areas in the days leading up to the event. Additional security measures, including checkpoints and road closures, are also likely along all major routes near the venue.

Avoid nonessential travel in likely protest areas. Avoid all protests due to the potential for violence. If a protest forms nearby, leave the area immediately and seek shelter in a secure location. Do not take photographs. Allow extra time if driving near the affected areas; consider planning alternative routes around potential demonstration sites. Heed instructions from authorities.

Since 2011, clashes between primarily Shi'a anti-government protesters and security forces have been a common occurrence. Authorities in Bahrain have become intolerant of any form of dissent or criticism of the government. Security forces have arrested and prosecuted numerous activists for participating in protests, using social media to disparage the government, and documenting incidents of torture and abuse by police. Critics have accused the government of silencing opposition groups and suppressing freedom of expression. The government crackdown has, in turn, led to more protests and violence.