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02 Jul 2024 | 10:44 AM UTC

India: Unionized farmers plan protest in Noida, Uttar Pradesh State, July 3 and 8

Unionized farmers plan protest in Noida, Uttar Pradesh State, India, July 3 and 8. Increased security, transport disruptions likely.


Unionized farmers associated with the Bharatiya Kisan Union and other groups plan to hold protests in Noida, Uttar Pradesh State, on July 3 and 8. The action is to denounce the government for allegedly not meeting the unions' demands, including adequately compensating farmers in the area. Union officials claim thousands of farmers will join the protests. As of July 2, planned protests include:

  • July 3: Activists plan to gather outide the District Magistrate's office.

  • July 8: The location is unconfirmed, but activists may gather near government buildings, thoroughfares, public squares, and sports venues.

Authorities will likely monitor any such gatherings and could use force, including baton charges and tear gas, to disperse unruly crowds. Officials may implement enhanced security restrictions based on operational needs, including temporary public movement and telecommunications measures. Clashes between police and activists, as well as between members of opposing sociopolitical groups, cannot be ruled out. Localized transport is likely. Associated business disruptions are possible.

Avoid all demonstrations as a standard precaution. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Plan accordingly for potential localized business and transport disruptions. Heed all official security and transport advisories.