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07 Jul 2024 | 03:36 AM UTC

Thailand: Activist group plans protest march from United Nations Building to Government House in Bangkok from 12:00 July 8

Activists to stage protest march to Government House in Bangkok, Thailand, from 12:00 July 8. Increased security likely.


The Writing Thailand's Cannabis Future activist group plans to stage a protest march in Bangkok from 12:00 July 8. The action aims to oppose the government's plans to reclassify marijuana as an illegal narcotic. The activists will gather at the United Nations Building from 12:00 before marching to the Government House from 13:00.

Increased security and localized transport disruptions are likely around the protest sites and march route. Clashes between demonstrators and security personnel are possible, particularly if activists attempt to bypass security barriers or defy orders to disperse.

Avoid the protest sites as a precaution. If violence occurs nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a safe nongovernmental building. Plan for localized transport disruptions in the vicinity. Heed all official security and transport advisories.