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08 Aug 2024 | 02:33 PM UTC

Spain: Authorities ending major police operation in Barcelona Aug. 8 /update 2

Heightened security measures winding down throughout Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 8 after police conduct manhunt for Carles Puidgement.


Catalonia's regional police force (Mossos d'Esquadra) has reportedly ended a major police operation in Barcelona and La Jonquera as of the afternoon of Aug. 8. Police previously activated "Operation Jaula" after attempting to apprehend wanted former regional president Carles Puigdemont at the Parliament of Catalonia. The operation entailed the deployment of numerous additional personnel, searching various premises, and closing multiple roads leaving the city to prevent Puigdemont's escape. As of the afternoon, Puidgement had not been arrested; however, the Mossos d'Esquadra announced the arrest of one police officer for allegedly aiding Puigdemont's escape.

Police previously erected checkpoints on the B-10 coastal highway between Barcelonetta and Zona Franca, the C-10 in the northeast of Barcelona, Ronda de Dalt (B-20) in the north, and the B-20 in the Vall d'Hebron area in the northwest. The B-23 highway to the west of the city has reportedly been closed in both directions. Outside Barcelona, police have also erected a checkpoint on the AP-7 in La Jonquera in the direction of the French border. Police are conducting thorough searches of vehicles, causing extensive delays to traffic moving away from the city.

Transport disruptions will gradually dissipate on affected roadways through the evening hours. Localized security operations and transport disruptions are possible should authorities receive information about Puidgemont's possible location.

Consider taking alternative routes to circumvent any related disruptions. Heed all instructions issued by local officials.

Puigdemont fled Spain in 2017 amid allegations of embezzlement following the illegal Catalonian independence referendum. Although the government has since granted an amnesty to those involved in the referendum, that does not extend to those implicated in the embezzlement case.

Puigdemont briefly appeared in the Parliament of Catalonia and at the Triumphal Arch amid the inauguration of the new leader of the regional parliament in the city center. Although police had intended to quietly arrest him once he left the stage, Puigdemont disappeared into the crowd around the Triumphal Arch, sparking the regional manhunt.