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12 Sep 2024 | 03:28 PM UTC

Argentina: Protesting taxi drivers cause traffic disruptions in Cordoba Sept. 12

Protesting taxi drivers cause traffic disruptions in Cordoba, Argentina, Sept. 12.


Taxi drivers are protesting in Cordoba on Sept. 12 to demand that local authorities implement more regulations for app-based private transportation services in the city. Protesters are causing significant traffic disruptions along key thoroughfares near Concejo Deliberante de Cordoba and the city's bus terminal. Some skirmishes have been reported.

Disruptions along key roads in central Cordoba are likely to persist in the coming hours; protesters may gather in other locations throughout the city. Authorities will likely deploy to monitor the gatherings; further skirmishes may occur.

Avoid any protests as a standard precaution. Plan for delays and alternative routes if operating in Cordoba on Sept. 12. Leave the area immediately at the first sign of any security disturbances. Heed instructions from authorities.