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16 Sep 2024 | 09:29 AM UTC

France: Unionized port workers plan strike and protest in Marseille Sept. 17

Port workers plan strike at Marseille Fos port, and protest at Prefecture Square, Marseille, France, Sept. 17. Tight security likely.


Unionized dock workers and port handling personnel affiliated with CTG labor union plan to strike and protest in Marseille on Sept. 17. Participants plan to stage a 24-hour strike at Marseille Fos Port, western docks, and protest at Prefecture Square, Marseille, starting at 10:00. Several hundred people will likely participate. The purpose of the action is to denounce possible layoffs in relation to environmental policy transitions to be taken by port authorities.

Port service disruptions are likely throughout Sept. 17 and may carry over into Sept. 18. Heightened security is likely at the affected port and near the protest area. Localized transport and road travel disruptions are likely in the vicinity of the demonstration site. Confrontations between demonstrators and law enforcement officers cannot be ruled out.

Reconfirm all maritime travel and shipping scheduled through Sept. 17-18. Consider alternatives to maritime shipping and travel during this time period. As a standard precaution, avoid demonstration areas. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.