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03 Sep 2024 | 09:03 AM UTC

Nigeria: Attack leaves dozens killed in Mafa, Yobe State, Sept. 1

Suspected Boko Haram militants kill dozens of people in Mafa, Yobe State, Sept. 1. Threat persists in the northeast.


A group of assailants riding motorcycles attacked the Mafa area in Yobe State late Sept. 1. There are conflicting casualty figures, with some reports suggesting up to 87 locals may have been killed. Attackers also set fire to houses and other structures. Local accounts attributed the attack to Boko Haram militants. The Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) group may also be responsible.

Liaise with trusted contacts and confirm the viability of conducting operations in Yobe State. Heed the directives of local security forces and travel with easily accessible personal identification to facilitate movement through checkpoints. Maintain regular contact with diplomatic missions, travel only in convoy, and during daylight hours.

The attack may have been carried out as a reprisal. Communities are often targeted because they are accused of transmitting information to security forces and militia groups.

The attack highlights the pervasive insecurity in the Lake Chad Region. Despite a heightened military presence and recurrent counter-insurgency operations, militants will continue to pose a significant threat to security over the near term, particularly in the border areas with Cameroon, Chad, and Niger. Regular attacks on civilian settlements and security forces positions are almost certain to continue. Most foreign governments advise against all travel to northeastern Nigeria, particularly Yobe and Borno states.