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22 May 2017 | 09:30 AM UTC

Brazil: Protests in Brasília May 17, May 24

Confederation of Workers of Brazil organize anti-government demonstration in Brasilia on May 17; general march called for May 24



The Confederation of Workers and Workers of Brazil (CTB) has called for protests to take place on Tuesday, May 17, in Brasília to put pressure on the special electoral commission ahead of a vote on labor reforms, due to take place in parliament on the same day. The reforms, if passed, would transform Brazil's pension system. Demonstrations are scheduled to take place beginning at 10:00 (local time) around the Annex II of the Câmara dos Deputados (Chamber of Deputies), where the vote will take place.

The leader of the CTB also announced that a joint trade union march would be held on May 24 in Brasília in support of workers' rights. In the event the reforms are passed, the CTB announced that a general strike would also be organized in the following weeks.

A heightened security presence and transportation disruptions should be anticipated in the vicinity of the protests. Clashes between protesters and security forces, the use of tear gas to disperse demonstrators, and other outbursts of violence are possible.


Brazil has seen a series of protests in response to labor and pension reforms proposed by President Michel Temer, whose conservative government come to power following the impeachment of former President Dilma Rousseff. Numerous opposition groups, labor unions, and civil society organizations consider Rousseff's ouster and Temer's arrival in office to be illegitimate.


Individuals in Brazil are advised to avoid all demonstrations due to the risk of violence, to anticipate transportation disruptions surrounding protest sites, and to monitor developments to the situation.