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07 May 2017 | 06:45 PM UTC

France: Macron wins presidential runoff May 7

Early returns suggest centrist Emmanuel Macron wins presidential election by a wide margin May 7



Early reports indicate centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron won the runoff election for president of France May 7, beating far-right opponent Marine Le Pen by a wide margin. Le Pen conceded defeat shortly after 20:00 (local time) on Twitter and has reportedly called Macron to congratulate him on his victory. If results hold - Macron has a lead of 65.9 percent to 34.1 percent according to early returns - the centrist candidate will have won the election by a historic margin.

Demonstrations and protests are possible in urban centers throughout the country, but are likely to remain peaceful given the election result. Transportation disruptions should be anticipated in the event of large demonstrations.


Protests erupted across France on Sunday, April 23, following the first round of presidential elections, and clashes between protesters and police occurred in various cities. The largest protest took place in Paris, at Place de la Bastille, leading to violent clashes with police as well as attacks against banks, bus stops, and advertisement boards. Protests also took place at Place de la République, Place de la Nation, and in the Belleville neighborhood. Three protesters, including a teenager, and six policemen were reportedly injured; 29 protesters were arrested.

In Rouen and Tours, hundreds of people were prevented from protesting by police. In Nantes, hundreds of protesters marched through the city with slogans and banners against the two winning candidates; some banks were attacked with Molotov cocktails. In Rennes, 200 people gathered despite a protest ban.


Individuals present in France are advised to avoid all demonstrations, remain vigilant, and report any suspicious objects or behavior to the relevant authorities.