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28 Nov 2018 | 10:20 PM UTC

Iran: Labor protests continue Khuzestan province November 28

Labor protests continue in Ahwaz and Shush (Khuzestan province) November 28; further protests expected over the coming days and weeks



Labor protests continued in Ahwaz and Shush (Khuzestan province) as of Wednesday, November 28. Sugar cane workers demanding back pay reportedly staged an anti-government march in Shush; protesters also clashed with police in Ahwaz during related protests. Similar demonstrations are to be expected in Khuzestan province over the coming days and weeks. A heightened security presence and localized traffic disruptions are to be expected in affected areas.


The protests have reportedly been ongoing in Ahwaz for over three weeks, with some claiming that the Iranian government is seeking to oust Arab workers from factories in the city.

Ahwazi Arabs make up a sizable minority in Khuzestan province, with some advocating for independence and others seeking increased power in a future, federalized government. Khuzestan province has also witnessed several protests in recent months over poor economic conditions, drought and water mismanagement, and perceived discrimination against the Arab minority in the province.


Individuals in Khuzestan province are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.