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14 Dec 2018 | 08:45 AM UTC

Belgium: Labor union protest in Brussels Dec. 14 /update 1

Labor unions hold protest in Brussels amid nationwide disruptions on December 14; associated disruptions expected



A protest held by the FGTB labor union is scheduled to take place in Brussels on Friday, December 14. Participants will gather at 11:00 (local time) in front of the FEB union headquarters.

This rally takes place amid nationwide strikes and disruptive actions in Belgium on December 14, to denounce the government's economic policies. Strikes are expected in Charleroi and Liege, along with road blocks throughout the country. Major disruptions to daily life activities can be expected throughout the day, notably at airports (increased waiting times at security checkpoints).


Individuals present in Belgium are advised to monitor development to the situation, confirm travel reservations, allow for extra time to reach their destination, and avoid all protests as a precaution.