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22 Mar 2019 | 05:32 PM UTC

Libya: Warning of imminent attack in Tripoli on March 23

Tunis-based US Embassy in Libya issues warning March 22 of “imminent attack” targeting "vital national institution" in Tripoli on March 23; heightened security presence and disruptions to movement expected



The Tunis-based US Embassy in Libya issued a warning on Friday, March 22, of an "imminent attack" targeting a "vital national institution" in Tripoli on Saturday, March 23. A heightened security presence and disruptions to movement are to be expected in Tripoli over the coming hours.


Based on recent high-profile attacks, the Islamic State (IS) group is assessed to operate on a roughly 3-5-month plan/execute cycle for attacks in the capital. The December 25 IS attack targeting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - which left at least three people dead and 20 others wounded - fits this assessment, having taken place roughly 3 months ago.


Individuals in Tripoli are advised to avoid areas near government buildings and other national institutions, particularly around central Tripoli, report suspicious objects and behavior to police, remain vigilant for militant activity, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities and their home governments.

The security environment in Libya remains complex. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.