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08 Jun 2022 | 10:24 AM UTC

Sudan: Clashes in West Darfur, South Kordofan states leave 27 people dead as of June 8

Clashes in West Darfur, South Kordofan states, Sudan, leave 27 people dead as of June 8.



Clashes between rival communities in West Darfur and South Kordofan states left at least 27 people dead and over 35 more injured as of June 8. The exact date of the clashes is unclear but took place in recent days.

  • West Darfur: Members of the Arab Rizeigat and non-Arab Gimir community clashed over a land dispute near Kolbus, leaving 16 people dead. Clashes are reportedly ongoing.

  • South Kordofan: A personal dispute escalated into clashes between members of the Arab Hawazma and Kenana communities near Abu Jebeiha leaving 11 people dead and over 35 more wounded.

Increased security measures are likely in the impacted areas in the coming days. Further violence can not be discounted. Should any violence occur, officials could impose movement restrictive measures, including curfews.


Creeping desertification brought on by climate change continues to drive intense competition for access to scarce resources such as grazing areas and drinking water. This escalates communal tensions; given the easy availability of small arms such tensions regularly escalate into clashes, which may in turn fuel rounds of reprisal attacks between various communities, sometimes causing heavy casualty tolls.


Consider deferring nonessential travel to the impact areas until the situation stabilizes. Heed the directives of the local security forces. Avoid travel at night. Maintain contact with diplomatic missions.