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16 Jul 2022 | 11:00 AM UTC

Sudan: Security curfew in place due to communal violence in Er Roseires and Ad Damazin, Blue Nile State, as of July 16

Authorities impose 18:00-06:00 curfew in Er Roseires and Ad Damazin localities, Blue Nile State, Sudan, due to communal violence July 15.



As of July 16, authorities have imposed an 18:00-06:00 security-related curfew in Er Roseires and Ald Damazin localities, Blue Nile State, due to communal violence reported in the region July 15. Clashes involving local rival tribes left up to 31 people dead, and 39 others injured; dozens of buildings were destroyed. Officials have also banned all forms of unnecessary gatherings. The exact conditions of the curfew and the ban have not been provided. Officials have been deployed in the area to quell violence and have arrested an unspecified number of people.

An increased security presence will likely persist in the impacted areas in the coming days. Further violence cannot be discounted. Should any violence occur, officials could impose further restrictive measures.


Creeping desertification brought on by climate change continues to drive intense competition for access to scarce resources such as grazing areas and drinking water. Given the easy availability of small arms such tensions regularly escalate into clashes, which may in turn fuel rounds of reprisal attacks between various communities, sometimes leading to heavy casualty tolls.


Abide by the conditions of the curfew. Consider deferring nonessential travel to the impact areas until the situation stabilizes. Avoid travel at night. Maintain contact with diplomatic missions.