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05 May 2017 | 02:57 PM UTC

Brazil: Federal police to be deployed across Rio de Janeiro

Governor of Rio de Janeiro announces deployment of Federal Police forces to curb violence



On Wednesday, May 3, Rio's governor Luiz Fernando Pezão announced that Brazil's National Security Force and Federal Highway Police will be deployed across the city to cope with a rise in criminal and gang-related violence. Although the exact number of forces is yet to be determined, there are currently 125 men from the National Forces supporting local state authorities.


The decision follows a wave of violence that saw suspected criminals set various public buses and commercial trucks on fire in the northern slums (favelas) of Rio de Janeiro as well as clashes between gangs and security forces during an anti-gang Military Police operation.

Rio de Janeiro has often witnessed bursts of violence. Heavily armed gangs run drug dealing businesses from many of the hundreds of slums across the city. Inter-gang rivalry and clashes over territory regularly occur, while gun battles between gangs and military police are commonplace during police operations.

Debt-laden Rio de Janeiro has been severely impacted by Brazil's recent economic crisis and declared a state of financial emergency in June 2016. The local government does not have the funds to maintain a police program to push gangs out of the numerous favelas. Some studies suggest that 2016 was Rio's most violent year in decades. According to government statistics, in January and February 2017, homicides rose 17 and 24 percent respectively, in comparison to the same months of 2016.


Individuals present in Rio de Janeiro and across the country are advised to remain vigilant, conceal signs of wealth to avoid attracting the attention of would-be thieves, and avoid entering favelas (often located in very close proximity to more affluent neighborhoods). Keep in mind that criminals are often armed; comply with the demands of your attacker in the event of an attempted mugging to avoid escalating the situation.