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17 May 2017 | 12:44 PM UTC

Somalia: Three killed in car bombing in Mogadishu May 17

Car bombing kills three bomb disposal experts in Mogadishu on May 17; no group has claimed responsibility



Three bomb disposal experts were killed in a car bomb blast in Mogadishu on Wednesday, May 17. According to police sources, the bomb detonated as the three were attempted to dismantle the explosives, which security forces discovered in the Wadajir district of the capital earlier in the day. No group has claimed responsibility for planting the device, although Al-Shabaab is highly suspected.


Mogadishu frequently experiences attacks by Al-Shabaab, which continues to control large zones in the south and center of the country. The group often targets government officials and military infrastructure in a bid to topple the Western- and United Nations-backed government and impose its own strict interpretation of Islam in Somalia.


Due to extremely poor security conditions, Western governments generally advise their citizens against all travel to Somalia; professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.