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06 Jun 2017 | 07:47 AM UTC

Argentina: Risk of floods in Buenos Aires province

Risk of floods in Buenos Aires province in the coming months; around eight million people at risk



According to the governor of the Buenos Aires province, Maria Eugenia Vidal, there is a risk of severe floods in the medium term that could affect eight million people in the province, particularly in August. The most at risk areas include Greater Buenos Aires and cities that have already suffered from flooding in recent months such as Salto and Arricifes. Pergamino, San Antonia de Areco, Pilar, Luján, La Plata, Berisso, and Ensenada are other cities that are also at risk.

While infrastructure projects are underway to address flooding risks, many are not expected to be finished before August. 


According to a law passed in 1997, the provincial government is required to produce a risk map that outlines areas vulnerable to rain, floods, storms, and fires. However, this map has not yet been completed. Experts have recommended implementing a flood monitoring system and developing contingency plans for when unexpected flooding occurs.

Researchers at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) claim that climate change will lead to increased precipitation throughout the country, including in Buenos Aires province. Within the province, there are many urban areas located in the floodplain areas of rivers, making them particularly susceptible to flooding.

In December 2016, flooding in the Santa Fe and Buenos Aires provinces resulted in 600 people being evacuated from their homes and one death. In April 2013, flooding in the Buenos Aires province caused 101 deaths.


Individuals present in these areas are advised to monitor weather updates and adhere to any instructions issued by the relevant authorities. Remember that driving or walking through running water can be dangerous; 15 cm (6 in) of running water is enough to knock over an adult.​