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24 Jul 2017 | 10:51 PM UTC

Somalia: Aid workers kidnapped by Al-Shabaab July 15

Seven Somali aid workers kidnapped by Al-Shabaab near Baidoa, Bay region, on Saturday, July 15



According to local authorities, seven Somali aid workers were kidnapped by Al-Shabaab militants in the vicinity of the village of Daynuunay, located on the outskirts of Baidoa town (Bay region), on Saturday, July 15. The aid workers are reportedly employed by the Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO) and had been implementing a nutrition project in the areas surrounding Baidoa for several months. Local sources provided unconfirmed reports that the workers are being held at Dolondoole, an Al-Shabaab held village located approximately 70 km (45 mi) northeast of Baidoa, the provincial capital of Bay region. The sources also report that Al-Shabaab is demanding USD 20,000 for the release of the aid workers. GREDO are reported to be negotiating with Al-Shabaab.


Al-Shabaab continues to control large zones in the south and center of the country. The group often targets government officials and military infrastructure in a bid to topple the Western- and United Nations-backed government and impose its own strict interpretation of Islam in Somalia. It is also responsible for a number of attacks and kidnappings targeting humanitarian organizations operating in the country.


Due to the high threat of terrorism, individuals present throughout the country are advised to avoid government and institutional buildings as well as political events due to Al-Shabaab's tendency to target political figures and security forces. Because of extremely poor security conditions, travel should only be considered with appropriate security precautions in place.