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03 Jan 2019 | 08:33 AM UTC

Brazil: Federal forces to remain in Roraima state until March 31

President Michel Temer extends the deployment of federal soldiers in Roraima state until March 31; heightened security measures expected to continue



On December 28, then-President Michel Temer extended the deployment of federal forces in Roraima state until at least March 31. The soldiers’ primary task is to protect refugee facilities and provide security along the border with Venezuela and Guyana. Federal forces will also be responsible for maintaining 13 shelters for Venezuelan refugees. The military is also authorized to carry out police functions along the border areas. An increased security presence and heightened security measures are expected throughout Roraima state in the coming months, particularly along the border with Venezuela.


Federal troops were deployed into Roraima state on December 10 due to the increasing number of Venezuelan refugees crossing the border. Roraima state is a major crossing point for Venezuelans fleeing their country. The area has also experienced a spike in crime rates attributed to the migrant crisis.


Individuals in Roraima state are advised to monitor developments to the situation and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.