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04 Jul 2019 | 11:34 PM UTC

Bangladesh: Opposition coalition to strike nationwide July 7

Opposition coalition calls for eight-hour nationwide general strike July 7; associated disruptions and heightened security presence likely



The Left Democratic Alliance, a coalition of opposition parties, has called for a nationwide general strike on Sunday, July 7, between 06:00 and 14:00 (local time) to protest the government's increase in natural gas tariffs. Localized transportation disruptions and a heightened security presence are expected; clashes with security forces cannot be ruled out.


On June 30, the government raised the price of gas in eight categories, including that of household users - effective as of July 1. Other political parties have criticized the price hike, including the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) who held protests across Dhaka on July 2.


Individuals in Bangladesh are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all demonstrations as a precaution, anticipate disruptions during the strike period, and adhere to instructions issued by the local authorities.