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03 Dec 2021 | 08:27 PM UTC

Norway: Authorities tighten COVID-19 international entry restrictions as of Dec. 3 /update 57

Norway tightens COVID-19-related international entry requirements as of Dec. 3; some domestic restrictions remain in place.



The Norwegian government has implemented stricter COVID-19 testing requirements for incoming international travelers as part of the country's effort to delay the spread of the Omicron strain of the virus. Effective Dec. 3, all travelers must be tested upon arrival; passengers arriving at ports of entry having no testing facilities must take a COVID test within 24 hours after arrival. All incoming travelers over the age of 16 years – regardless of nationality or point of origin - must complete a registration form within 72 hours before arrival; to access the form, click here.

Domestic Measures
Norway lifted all domestic COVID-19 restrictions during late September. However, persons who test positive for the virus must self-isolate for 7 days.

International Travel Restrictions
Aside from the newly implemented testing requirements, international travel restrictions remain largely the same. Entry for nonessential purposes is only permitted for arrivals from EEA and Schengen Area countries, Switzerland, the UK, and certain other designated countries, including Argentina, Bahrain, Kuwait, Namibia, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, the UAE, and Uruguay.

Norway only accepts forms of proof of vaccination or recovery that are linked to the EU Digital COVID Certificate Gateway or issued by authorities in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, or the UK; travelers under the age of 18 are exempt from testing requirements.

Norway uses the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) assessments of countries' COVID-19 risk profiles to assign international entry restrictions. Travelers who, within the previous 10 days, have only visited areas classified as green or orange on the ECDC color-coded scale, or who possess valid proof of vaccination or recovery, can enter without further restriction. Other travelers must quarantine for 10 days on arrival; those without suitable accommodations must stay in designated quarantine hotels. The quarantine can be ended early following a negative COVID-19 test taken no less than three days after arrival. To view a regularly updated list of countries by ECDC color designation, click here.

All travelers arriving in Norway after having been to South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, Eswatini, and Malawi in the last 10 days must get tested before arrival, upon arrival, and day seven after arrival.

For an online tool to check restrictions based on specific itinerary criteria, click here.

Authorities could reimpose, extend, further ease, or otherwise amend any restrictions with little-to-no notice depending on disease activity over the coming weeks.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Reconfirm all travel arrangements. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions.


Government of Norway
Registration Form for International Arrivals
Schengen Area Countries