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17 Apr 2023 | 09:45 AM UTC

UK: Climate activists to stage demonstrations in London April 21-24

Climate activists to stage major demonstrations in central London, UK, April 21-24; heightened security, transport disruptions likely.



Climate activist groups led by Extinction Rebellion (XR) plan to stage a series of demonstrations in London April 21-24. The purpose of the action is to pressure the government to stop all investments in fossil fuels, under the banner of "The Big One". Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and labor unions also plan to join the action. Activists plan daily demonstrations at the Houses of Parliament in central Westminster. On April 21 and 24, pickets are planned at 16 additional locations across Westminster, principally outside government departments and think-tanks. On April 23, the demonstration will coincide with the London Marathon route. Demonstrators are also likely to hold localized marches between sites in Westminster. Attendance across the demonstration period will likely be in the thousands.

Further protest actions are likely across London. Previous XR protests have involved activists blocking traffic on major roads, disrupting activity at transport hubs including tube stations and airports, or at the premises of business with perceived poor environmental practices. Significant business and travel disruptions are likely in the vicinity of all XR actions.

Police will likely deploy to all actions and attempt to prevent or disperse demonstrations that are likely to cause significant disruption. However, XR organizers deliberately attempt to cause maximum disruption by communicating protest details at short notice over private channels, and activists often glue or otherwise physically attach themselves to road surfaces and objects to prevent police from removing them. As a result, disruption tends to be unpredictable and instant, and actions can last for several hours. Clashes are unlikely as XR advocates for non-violent civil disobedience; however, there have previously been instances of scuffles with frustrated commuters, and some activists may engage in acts of vandalism as part of their demonstrations.


Avoid all demonstrations as a routine security precaution and to mitigate associated disruptions. Check trusted local media sources for up-to-date information on demonstrations April 21-24. Check public transport schedules and local traffic conditions for disruptions before beginning journeys; allow extra time to reach destinations in central London during the protest campaign. Heed instructions from security services and leave the area at the first sign of a confrontation.


Transport for London