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27 May 2023 | 05:42 PM UTC

Egypt: Authorities close two Red Sea maritime ports due to inclement weather as of evening of May 27

Egyptian port authorities close Suez and El-Zaitiyat ports due to inclement weather as of evening of May 27. Reconfirm shipments.



Egyptian port authorities close Suez and El-Zaitiyat ports as of the evening of May 27 due to inclement weather. Officials halted operations around 18:00 EGY as strong winds caused waves between 3-4 meters (10-12 ft) and did not give an estimated time of when port operations will resume.

Associated shipping disruptions are likely to occur through at least the morning of May 28.


Confirm all shipping services through at least the morning of May 28. Consider using an alternative port for time-sensitive travel and shipments. Heed all official transport and security advisories.