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11 Jun 2024 | 03:07 PM UTC

Argentina: University workers hold 48-hour nationwide strike June 11-12, protests in Buenos Aires, Cordoba, June 11-13

Unionized university workers stage nationwide strike, protests in Buenos Aires and Cordoba, Argentina, June 11-13. Disruptions likely.


Unionized university workers, affiliated with several organizations, including the Nacional Federation of University Professors (Federacion Nacional de Docentes Universitarios, CONADU), launched a nationwide 48-hour strike in Argentina June 11-12, as part of their ongoing demands for increased salaries and larger investments in public education. Additionally, activists plan to hold several demonstrations June 11-13.

In Buenos Aires, education activists intend to gather outside of the National Congress starting at 15:30 on June 11, and will join other organizations outside the National Congress again from 09:00 on June 12 in a major protest to oppose an Omnibus Bill. On June 13, activists intend to gather outside Palacio Pizzurno, although they have not confirmed the starting time for this demonstration.

In Cordoba, university activists plan to march to the offices of the Superior Council of the Nacional University of Cordoba on June 11. Protests are also likely in other cities, including Rosario, and Mendoza.

Road closures and heightened security are likely near the protest areas. Associated transport disruptions are likely. Activists are also likely to protest near university campuses nationwide.

Avoid all protests as a precaution. Heed instructions from authorities. Plan for delays and alternative routes if operating near downtown areas, especially in Buenos Aires June 11-13. Heed instructions from authorities.