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10 Jun 2024 | 03:57 PM UTC

Mexico: Nationwide strike suspended in multiple states as of June 10 but will host protests in Mexico City June 10-11 /update 5

Strike in Mexico by unionized teachers suspended in multiple states as of June 10. Protests scheduled from June 10-11 in Mexico City.


Unionized teachers affiliated with the National Education Workers' Coordinating Organization (Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Education, CNTE) announced that as of June 10, the strike is on pause in multiple states, and participants will return to work. Organizers based in Mexico City, Guerrero, and Oaxaca have indicated that they will suspend the strike, while those based in Chiapas and Michoacan have not yet indicated they intend to end their strike and protest activity. Although the strike is ending, activists based in Mexico City will stage two more demonstrations from June 10-11. On June 10, activists will gather at Metro Normal from 16:00 before marching towards the Zocalo. Afterward, on June 11, activists will stage a demonstration at the Zocalo starting at 10:00 and decide whether to remain there.

Officials will likely deploy security personnel to monitor and manage the June 10-11 demonstrations. Transport disruptions are likely near the action. Clashes between demonstrators and security forces are possible, especially if the former engage in acts of public violence or ignore police orders to disperse.

Avoid the demonstrations as a precaution. Seek alternative routes to circumvent any related disruptions. Allow additional time to reach destinations if operating near the impacted area. Heed the instructions of authorities.