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03 Jul 2024 | 02:09 PM UTC

Bangladesh: Opposition political parties plan to protest in Dhaka July 5

Opposing political parties plan to protest outside National Press Club in Dhaka, Bangladesh, morning of July 5. Increased security likely.


The Ganatantra Mancha, a political alliance of several parties, and its supporters will protest outside the National Press Club in Dhaka on the morning of July 5 to denounce Indian-Bangladesh foreign relations that the group alleges to be unfairly in favor of India. The exact timings of the event remain unclear. Participation will likely be in the low thousands.

Authorities will likely monitor the gathering. Localized transport disruptions are likely, and enhanced security restrictions, including road blockades, could occur. Clashes between police and activists and between members of opposing groups cannot be ruled out; police could use force, including tear gas, to disperse unruly crowds. Business disruptions are possible near the protest site.

Avoid the protest. Allow additional travel time near gathering sites. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Heed instructions from authorities.