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17 Apr 2018 | 04:57 PM UTC

Somalia: Somali National Army kills 30 Al-Shabaab militants April 17

Somali National Army (SNA) claims its forces killed 30 Al-Shabaab militants in Hiran region April 17



The Somali National Army (SNA) claimed that at least 30 Al-Shabaab militants were killed during an operation in Hiran region on Tuesday, April 17. SNA forces reportedly attacked suspected militant positions near the towns of Belet Weyne, Mahas, and Mataban, recovering materiel and seizing a command center. Additional SNA raids on Al-Shabaab militants are likely in the coming weeks as the SNA, supported by African Union troops, attempts to clear Al-Shabaab militants along the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in the region.


Al-Shabaab continues to control large zones in the south and center of Somalia and attacks from the group are frequent across the country, including in the capital Mogadishu. The group often targets government officials and military infrastructure in a bid to topple the Western- and UN-backed government and impose its own strict interpretation of Islam in Somalia.


The security environment in Somalia remains complex. Although travel is possible in some areas with proper security protocols in place, other areas should be considered strictly off-limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.