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19 Apr 2023 | 09:54 AM UTC

Sudan: Further clashes likely nationwide following collapse of ceasefire as fighting continues as of April 19 /update 7

Further clashes likely across Sudan following collaspe of ceasefire as fighting continues as of April 19. Consider deferring all travel.



Further deadly clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) remain likely over the coming hours and days across Sudan as violence continues, notably in Khartoum, as of the morning of April 19. A 24-hour ceasefire between the SAF and RSF had reportedly been agreed upon April 18; however, violence continued overnight April 18-19. Three successive cease-fires have been declared, but none have been respected by both belligerents. Airstrikes, explosions, and heavy machine gunfire have been reported in several cities, especially in Khartoum.

The casualty toll from fighting across the country has reportedly surpassed 270 deaths, with an additional 2,600 wounded. In addition, an EU diplomat and a US diplomatic convoy were attacked in two separate incidents in Khartoum April 17; it is unclear who the perpetrators of these assaults were. Casualty figures will likely increase over the coming days, especially since a reported 39 out of 59 hospitals and clinics in Khartoum are located near conflict areas and have since closed.

As of early April 19, Egypt and Chad have closed their land borders with Sudan. International air traffic is severely disrupted: Khartoum International Airport (KRT) has suspended operations, and several airlines, including UAE and Saudi Arabian-based companies, have also suspended flights to the country. Some airlines are also avoiding travel over Sudanese airspace. MTN telecommunications provider reportedly restored internet services following a brief shutdown ordered by a Sudanese government agency.

Clashes in Khartoum have occurred in multiple areas, including along the Nile near bridges, KRT, the Presidential Palace, and the Army Command. Explosions near KRT have occurred. SAF airstrikes have been reported in some areas of the city, including against RSF positions at Camp Taiba and Camp Soba. RSF and SAF forces have also clashed near Omdurman's radio and television headquarters. It is unclear if the SAF or the RSF retains control of key infrastructure and installations. The continued fighting between RAF and SAF has prompted power outages and water shortages in several city areas. As of April 19, large areas of the city remain contested.

Fighting has also been reported in Ad-Damazin, El Fasher, El Geneina, El Obeid, Merowe, Nyala, and Port Sudan. SAF officials claim to have captured RSF bases and headquarters in Port Sudan, Kassala, Gedaref, Ad-Damazin, Kosti, Kadugli, and Karari.

Rival security forces will almost certainly remain deployed nationwide. Routes near military bases, government buildings, telecommunications centers, and strategic transport nodes will likely be impacted. Authorities could temporarily suspend flights at other airports, close additional international borders, and restrict internal travel. The implementation of curfews is also possible. If the violence becomes protracted, shortages of essential goods, including food, will likely materialize.


Clashes began at approximately 09:00 April 15 and were triggered by persistent tensions between the two security groups. Both the RSF and SAF have blamed the other for initiating the violence. The government has labeled the RSF a 'rebel' force. The recent fighting between the SAF and RSF is a continuation of a years-long power struggle between Sudan's de facto ruler General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and leader of the RSF General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, widely known as Hemedti. The pair have quarreled over several issues, notably including plans to integrate the RSF into the SAF, which would effectively result in Hemedti losing control over the former.

Tensions between the two leaders worsened after the military and civilian opposition groups signed a deal to end the impasse between security and political elites in December. Under the signed framework, the formation of a transitional civilian government was scheduled in early April; however, several issues hindered the deal's implementation, including the abovementioned disagreement between al-Burhan and Hemedti over the integration of the RSF into the military.

The RSF mainly evolved out of the Janjaweed militias, which had been organized by former President Omar Bashir to put down an uprising in Darfur in 2003. The RSF is separate from the Sudanese regular military and has been competing for power and resources for years. In 2013, Bashir reshaped the group into a paramilitary organization by giving its leaders military ranks.


Shelter in place until the clashes end. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations. Persons planning to travel to Sudan should consider deferring travel until the situation stabilizes. Avoid concentrations of security personnel. Liaise with trusted contacts for further information. Reconfirm all flights if scheduled to fly to, from, or via Sudan over the coming days. Reconfirm the status of road routes before traveling. Travel with identification. Conserve battery power on essential equipment, such as mobile phones. Conserve basic supplies, including food and water.


French Embassy in Sudan
US Embassy in Sudan
UK Foreign Travel Advice
Australian Government (Smartraveller)
Government of Canada - Sudan Travel Advice
German Embassy in Sudan
Embassy of Japan in Sudan